
People of Maharashtra are named Marathi religion people whose deepavali celebrations begins with 'Vasu-baras' that comes on tithi 'Ashwin krushna dwadashi' according to Marathi calendar following Dhanatrayodashi, popular name for Dhanteras in Maharashta. After the celebration of dhanteras there comes Narak-Chaturdashi another name for chhoti diwali in Maharashtra. Lakshmi-pujan another special attraction of deepawali puja by Marathis. Third day of Divali is celebrated as 'Diwalicha Padva' in Maharashtra, last day as Bhau Bij celebrating the relation of brothers and sisters. Tulsi-Vivah marks the end of deepavali celebrations in Maharashtra when marathi people organise marriage of sacred herbal plant 'Tulsi' in their homes. So, celebrate each day of diwali festival to enjoy marathi religion. To encourage our marathi visitors, we present some exclusive marathi diwali wallpapers for them in marathi language as well.
Marathi Diwali Wallpapers Marathi Diwali Greetings marathi deepavali celebrations
maharashtrian diwali wallpapers

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